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Research Performance

In 2015, Chaum published Asia's first clinical study of Embryonic stem cells and retinal cell therapy.
In addition, Chaum oversaw a dramatic increase in the success rate of stem cell cloning.

Product Indication F&D Pre-Clinical Phase Note
Embryonic Stem Cells Pipelines
Retinal Pigment
Epithelial Cells
Stargardt's Macular
Dystrophy (SMD)
Technology transfer & 
Partnership with US
Ocata Therapeutics, Inc.
Age-related Macular
Degeneration (AMD)
Myopic Macular
Degeneration (MMD)
Adult Stem Cells or Somatic Cells Pipelines
Placental Adherent
Stromal Cells (PLX-PAD)
Claudication (IC)
Technology transfer &
Partnership with Israel
Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc.
Umbilical Cord-derived
Stem Cells (CB-AC-01)
Acute Cerebral
Disk Degeneration
Mescenchymal Stem
Cells (CB-AC-02)
Alzheimer's Disease
Global Cerebral Ischemia Investigator Initiated Trial
Traumatic Optic Nerve Investigator Initiated Trial
Stem Cells 
Articular Cartilage Injury Investigator Initiated Trial
Disk Degeneration Investigator Initiated Trial
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetes mellitus
Neural Progenitor Cells Parkinson's Disease Investigator Initiated Trial
Immunocytes Recurrent Glioblastoma Investigator Initiated Trial
ovarian cancer Investigator Initiated Trial
liver cancer Investigator Initiated Trial
Dendritic Cells
Division Contents
Embryonic-derived stem cell Apply embryonic-derived stem cells for various indications by differentiating them to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) Differentiation to various stem cells including embryonic-derived stem cells, culturing methods, and pharmaceutical composite materials.
Placenta-derived stem cell Separation, culture, and pharmaceutical usage of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells for various indications
Umbilical cord-derived stem cell Separation, culture, and pharmaceutical usage of umbilical cord-derived stem cells for various indications
Cord blood Agents including cord blood or cord blood-derived stem cells and its pharmaceutical usage for various indications
Fat-derived stem cell Separation, culture, and pharmaceutical usage of fat-derived stem cells for various indications
Testis-derived stem cell Testis-derived pluripotent stem cell manufacturing methods and its pharmaceutical usage for various indications
Induced pluripotent stem cell
Induced pluripotent stem cell methods, associated pharmaceutical composite materials, and screening methods
Immunocyte Natural killer cell, dendritic cell, or T lymphocyte manufacturing methods and its pharmaceutical usage for various indications including cancer
Stem cell bank The stem cell bank operation system and its usage
Platform technology Drug screening using stem cells, customized diet suggestion system, and screening system for embryonic stem cell culture
Cosmetics Culture fluid originated from various tissues or cells, such as placenta-derived or stem cell-derived ingredients, and cosmetics composite materials including active ingredients
Cell extract Centrifugation bags, separation devices, etc. for extracting SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) or stem cells
Num. Title Author Journal names Date
1080 Evaluation of valve function in antireflux biliary metal stents KWON CI, KHO KH and 6 others BMC Gastroenterology Oct-2018
1079 Differential sonographic features of the extensor pollicis longus tendon rupture and other finger tendons rupture in the setting of hand and wrist trauma LEE SM, HA DH, HAN SH PLoS One Oct-2018
1078 The predictors for the non-compliance to follow-up among very low birth weight infants in the Korean neonatal network KIM NH and 7 others PLoS One Oct-2018
1077 Effects of school time on sleep duration and sleepiness in adolescents LEE SK, CHAE KY PLoS One Sep-2018
1076 Immunomodulatory Effects of Placenta-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on T Cells by Regulation of FoxP3 Expression KIM KJ and 6 others International Journal of Stem Cells Oct-2018
1075 Interarm Blood Pressure Difference is Associated with Early Neurological Deterioration, Poor Short-Term Functional Outcome, and Mortality in Noncardioembolic Stroke Patients KIM JK and 4 others Journal of Clinical Neurology Sep-2018
1074 Relationship Between Anemia and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest ― A Nationwide Cohort Study in South Korea YANG PS, SUNG JH and 6 others Circulation Journal Sep-2018
1073 A simple clinical risk score (C2HEST) for predicting incident atrial fibrillation in Asian subjects: Derivation in 471,446 Chinese subjects, with internal validation and external application in 451,199 Korean subjects YANG PS and 8 others Chest Oct-2018
1072 Differential responses of endothelial integrity upon the intake of microencapsulated garlic, tomato extract or a mixture: a single-intake, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial LEE JH and 6 others Food & function Oct-2018
1071 Incidence, inhospital mortality, and readmission among patients with alcoholic hepatitis in Korea: A nationwide study CHO YR Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology Oct-2018
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Adipose Stem Cells

Adipose stem cells are ideal for regenerative medicine due to the large amount that liposuction can easily obtain from a relatively small amount of adipose tissue. Up until now Adipose stem cells have primarily been used for wrinkle improvement and cosmetic surgeries. However, recent research has found that Adipose stem cells contain a high amount of mesenchymal stem cells, which can be used in cell restoration. Adipose stem cells are now being used to treat various diseases such as myocardial infarction, diabetes, liver ailments, ischemic peripheral circulatory disorders, and urinary incontinence.

Patient - Harvest fat tissues - Adipose tissue(lipoaspirate) - RBC wash or lysis - Well mix with collagenase in shaking incubator - 1st centrifugation for SVF - 2nd centrifugation with N/S then pipette out N/S to wash out ollagenase, 2 times more Harvest thick pellet at bottom - Differentiate Adult Stem Cell - Fat, Bone, Muscle, Cartilage - Injection with fine tube as 1cc in every 1 minute after shaking well the syringe
Definition of SVF Therapy

Adipose tissues are major sources of stem cells.
SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) is defined as a therapy in which stem cells are injected intravenously. The stem cells (2 to 5x106 units) are safely harvested from adipose tissues obtained via liposuction on the abdominal region.

Effects of SVF Therapy

The main purpose of SVF therapy is the regeneration of stem cells.
Additionally, it is effective in treating chronic fatigue and preventing aging as it helps to aid in the formation of growth factors and anti-inflammatory factors. Furthermore, there have been many patients who reported improved eyesight, male performance, and hair growth.

SVF Programs

Facial Injection Improve skin elasticity through the formation of new blood vessels and fresh collagens.
Intra-Venous Injection Achieve an Anti-Aging effect by treating the clinical symptoms related to aging.
Joint Cartilage Injection Reduce joint inflammation and pain through the regeneration of articular cartilage.

Cord blood stem cells are used therapeutically in transplants to help cure, treat and repair damaged blood and immune systems.
Cord blood stem cells are being studied for potential use in regenerative medicine. CHA has been applying the stem cells to Cerebral Palsy patients since 2009 and developing pipeline for Stroke and Alzheimer's. Chaum provides opportunity to participate in the clinical trial for Cord Blood. We expect that this will help stimulate and guide the body's own repair system to heal damaged tissue and organs without any side effects.

Benefits of Cord Blood Clinical Trial

  • Cord Blood has abundant growth factors.
  • Cord Blood has excellent capabilities of differentiation
  • It's clearly proven that there is no adverse effect of transplanting cord blood.
  • CHA Health Systems Group's Cord Blood Bank has total 900 transplanting cases)

Cord Blood Stem Cell Collection & Transplant Process

Cord Blood Bank, ICORD

Cord blood transplant clinical status

It is ongoing to "Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and pre-clinical studies for the potential efficacy and safety about improving clinical aging indicators by injection of Umbilical cord blood or plasma to adults in previous step of decrepitude" approved by the IRB.

Approximately 53% of the participants 84 (including during clinical studies with placebo) until now seemed to improve in the next part.