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Total Cell Clinic TOKYO

Total Cell Clinic TOKYO(TCC TOKYO), specializing in immunotherapy, has attracted the medical world in Japan as well as
many other nations including Taiwan since It's opening in November 2014.

Total Cell Clinic TOKYO(TCC TOKYO) is a specialized medical institution where Japanese and Korean medical teams cooperate to provide Immune Cell Therapies for those who suffer from cancer. Chaum's Immune System Improvement Center has been conducting co-operative studies on immune cell therapies with the Total Cell Clinic TOKYO(TCC TOKYO) which gives access to the global network.

Patients who should consider TCC's Immune Cell Therapy

  • All persons who have weak immune systems.
  • Patients who want to prevent cancer recurrence or need simultaneous treatments.
  • Cancer patients who wish to improve their physical strengths and conditions while undergoing cancer treatments.
  • Patients who wish to reduce the pain from chemotherapy and treat residual cancer to prevent metastasis of cancer.
  • Those who want to improve the quality of life.
  • Those who want to experience an Anti-Aging effect.

The Most Advanced Cell Processing Center in Japan (CPC)

The cell processing center of the Tokyo Cell Clinic has state-of-the-art facilities and the safest environment where immune cells are cultured to be used for TCC's Immune Cell Therapy. Moreover, the safest and most effective cells are guaranteed as all the procedures are conducted in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP).

Acquisition of Certificate for manufacturing of processed product of specific cells

Tokyo Cell Clinic acquired the certificate for manufacturing of processed product of specific cells, based on the law relating to Safety of Regenerative Medicine (enforcement from November 2014), on June 26, 2015. For the first time, Tokyo Cell Clinic's Cell Culture Center was registered as a foreign enterprise in the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.



東京都港区海岸1-16-1 ニューピア竹芝サウスタワー13階 /
New Pier Takeshiba South Tower 13F, 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Representative phone+81-03-6435-7400