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evercellSkin Care Center

Chaum's unparalleled quality of services will leave you feeling refreshed and looking elegant.

Operating Hours : Weekdays 09:00~20:00 / weekend 09:00~19:00 (Always Open)


Our Evercell Skin Care System is designed to promote healthy skin to its roots based on your skin's biorhythms.
The Evercell Skin Care Center awakens your beauty by restoring your youth.
CHA Health Systems Group's experience in stem-cell science and
Life Science Technology will enable your skin to reclaim a beautiful and healthy appearance.
Experience a skin miracle with our special program and high-class services.

Three promises committed by Chaum Evercell Skin Care Center
                - Clear skin delivered by inhibited melanin and improved pigmentation, Younger looking skin brought with reduced wrinkles and enhanced
                skin moisturization, Healthier skin ensured by highly concentrated Cytokine
  • Your skin will look younger with less wrinkles and more moisture
  • Your skin will look pristine with fine control of melanin to improve skin color
  • Your skin will be healthier with a highly-concentrated growth factor

Evercell Special Programs

Evercell Special Programs
Chaum Special Treatment Wrinkle Improvement, Lifting Treatment
Bio Platinum Treatment Facial Asymmetry Correction, Facial-Contouring Treatment
Luxury Over Turn Cell Treatment Anti-Aging Treatment, Enhancement of Skin Immune System, Production of Collagen
Water Therapy Exfoliating Treatment, Pore Treatment, Moisturizing, Cooling Treatment