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Stem Cell Technology

Chaum conducts various ongoing studies on stem-cell treatments for intractable and chronic diseases

Definition of Stem Cell

A stem cell is a primitive stage cell that can be differentiated into any cell or tissue in the body. In other words, stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that obtain specific functions and shapes through differentiation and are capable of renewing themselves and differentiating into a number of cell types. Studies on stem cell therapy for treating incurable or chronic diseases are underway from around the world, and some stem cell therapies have already been approved as a new form of treatment.

Kinds of stem cells

Kinds of stem cells
Pluripotent ESC ESC (Embryonic Stem Cells) Embryonic stem cells are a type of cell that can be differentiated into all types of cells in order to treat very specific ailments. Research has focused on the potential application of embryonic stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue caused by disease or injury. However, such research has faced ethical issues due to the fact that embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos. Ongoing ESC, SCNT clinical studies about Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells (hES-RPE)
  • SMD (Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy)
  • AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration)
  • MMD (Myopic Macular Degeneration)
SCNT-ESC SCNT-ESC (Somatic-cell Nuclear Transfer) Somatic cell nuclei have the ability to be reprogrammed in the embryonic state due to the role that the egg plays in controlling the expression of specific genes. of somatic-cell nuclear reprogramming the embryonic-specific genes in the course of transferring somatic cell nuclear. Selected as an authorized research institution for cloned embryonic stem cells
  • From April 2009 to April 2012 (3 years)
  • Expertise in the variety of conditions related to nucleus transference and blastocyst formation
iPS Cell iPS Cell (Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell) Induced pluripotent stem cells can be directly generated from adult cells which are not originally pluripotent. Pluripotent stem cells are similar to embryonic stem cells, and are created either by introducing four specific dopamine-producing genes to the somatic cells, or by injecting non-pluripotent cells with reprogramming-inducing proteins extracted from cells containing the four necessary genes. World's first successful cloning of adult embryonic stem cells
  • Dr. Dongryul Lee, Dr. Yeonggi Jeong (2014.04.21)
  • Conducted in the United States using fresh eggs
Kinds of stem cells
Multipotent Adult
Stem Cell Adult Stem Cell Adult stem cells are found in various tissue, and can easily and safely be extracted from peripheral blood, fat, bone marrow, placenta, and umbilical cord. Adult stem cells have already undergone differentiation, so each adult stem cell can be used for different diseases depending on the level of potential differentiation.
Adipose Adipose (Adipose-derived Stem Cells) Adipose-derived stem cells can be easily obtained through liposuction. These types of cells are ideal for regenerative medicine because a large amount of cells can be obtained from a small amount of adipose tissues. Preclinical stage (self)
  • CD (Cartilage defect), DD (Disk Degeneration)
  • Fat transplantation (face, back of the hand, chest)
  • Knee cartilage restoration
Marrow Bone Marrow Bone marrow cells are capable of forming pancreatic islets, a precursor cell. Studies have shown that these cells help to treat diabetes by stimulating insulin secretion.
Placenta Placenta The placenta is rich in hematopoietic stem cells which gives rise to all blood cell types as well as mesenchymal stem cells, which can be differentiated into muscles, nerves, bones, and fat. Preclinical stage (other)
  • GCI (Global Cerebral Ischemia) Preclinical completed
  • AD (Alzheimer's disease) clinical studies ongoing
Cord Blood Cord Blood Cord blood comes from umbilical cords and can be used in regenerative medicine to create hematopoietic stem cells. Cord blood is abundant in mesenchymal stem cells that can be used to treat intractable diseases. Clinical progress (self/ other)
  • Cerebral Palsy Treatment (HIRA application of new medical technology advances)
  • ALS
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
Cord Umbilical Cord The umbilical cord contains an abundance of mesenchymal stem cells which can be differentiated into nerve cells, myocyte (muscle cells), bone cells, and cartilage cells. Therefore, it can be used to cure intractable diseases such as liver ailments, bone diseases, diabetes, muscular diseases, and nerve disorders.
Commercial clinical progress (other)
  • ST (stroke)
Preclinical stage (other)
  • CD (Cartilage defect), DD (Disk Degeneration)
Stem Cell
Precursor Cell Neural Precursor Cell NSC; Neural stem cells found in adult brains form neural progenitor cells which are immediately split. These neural progenitor cells are differentiated into nerve cells, stellate cells, and oligodendrocyte and play a role in cognitive functions, injury repair, and disease recovery.
Clinical progress (other)
  • PD (Parkinson's Disease)